Young artists shutdown southeast.. 19th August a day to remember. Hosted by Skul feez

From de basic entertainment and lekkis park hotels Owerri, SKUL FEEZ is set to host a great show in South east to promote d growth of good music and artist in southeast.. He titled it SKUL FEEZ MUSIC CONCERT WITH FRIENDS.. meanwhile this is his birth month and day ...And we'll have Collins muonago (nche security)nollywood superstar as one of his guest artist. Hype MC who is junior brother to Mr raw is also one of his guest artist.. The 4 rappers that won zoro mbada competition are also coming to perform d song live and direct.
His aim of hosting dis show is to bring artist together to know each other and entertain his friends and fans.. And also tell people that southeast artist have good song that needs better promotion
 the show will be on 19th of August being Sunday by 2p.m till dawn. And there is no gate fee.. So feel free and come and be entertained.. #adiasindo_boi

for enquiries and promotion please call 08105323562


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