Boosie Offers Mark Zuckerberg $100K To Get His Instagram Page Back!

Its been a few weeks, Roomies, and Boosie is still on the outs with Instagram! While we still aren’t sure of the exact reason Boosie got his page taken down, we know for sure he’ll do just about anything to get it back.

Boosie has made a couple of pleas before, but this time he’s taking it to the bank. In a tweet, Boosie mentions Mark Zuckerberg, offering him $100K for his page back. Zuckerberg, who is worth billions, probably won’t bat an eye to the offer, but it’s worth a shot, right? Funny though. 

“@Zuck I got 100k for my OfficialBoosieg page BACK,” he tweeted.

Its been almost a month since Boosie has been on the ‘gram, Boosie called out Mark “Zuckenberger” for deactivating his account, and said he didn’t even know what he did wrong.

“This is how I feed my family,” he says. “Mark, do not do this to 2020. Do not take Boosie off Instagram. We need to talk Mark. You need to take me to orientation or something, but you cannot take me out of school. This is how I feed my family, we ain’t making no show money, none of the rappers.” 

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