Capri Sun donates water to schools, apologizes to kids that it's not juice

Capri Sun recently launched a new campaign to help keep kids hydrated while at school. Unfortunately for juice-loving kids, however, they may not be receiving what they’d normally expect to find in the famous juice pouches. Capri Sun is donating 5 million pouches of water to schools in the Chicagoland area and Granite City.

Apparently, the company anticipates kids being disappointed at grabbing a pouch and finding it full of water instead of juice, so the pouches have the message, “We’re sorry, it’s not juice” printed on them.

Capri Sun the donations were made because water fountains have been shut down at schools.

“As a brand that exists to support families, when CAPRI SUN heard water fountains were going to be off-limits when schools reopened, we saw an opportunity to step up and help out," said Naor Danieli, the associate director of kids hydration at Kraft Heinz. "With a tremendous amount of collaboration across all our Capri Sun teams, we worked quickly to create Capri Sun Filtered Water – and hope it will make life easier for parents while making water slightly more fun for kids.”

On Youtube, Capri Sun posted a video that shows kids taste testing the new product, unaware that it’s simply water. Not surprisingly, many of the kids appeared disappointed in the lack of flavor that the new drink had.



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