$4 Million USD Worth of Fake Sneakers Intercepted by U.S. Customs

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has just intercepted over $4 million USD worth of fake sneakers. The bust happened at a port in Dallas/Fort Worth, stopping a large shipment of fake sneakers headed for Mexico.

The total value of goods exceeded $4.3 million USD, with at least 1,800 fake pairs of Dior x Air Jordan 1, alongside other counterfeit sneakers. According to officials, the shipment, which was declared as “Ball Golf” goods, came from Hong Kong and included 60 large boxes. In response to the incident, CBP Port Director Timothy Lemaux emphasized the importance of preventing illegitimate goods from potentially damaging the American economy: “Counterfeiters trafficking in phony merchandise are not concerned about the American consumer or the damage their fake goods can do to our economy. CBP will continue to take every opportunity to intercept illegitimate goods and disrupt transnational criminal enterprises seeking to fund criminal activities with counterfeit or pirated merchandise.”


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