Fans' delight at the adult Kevin Macaulay Home Alone again (but only in an advert)

Many, many movie fans will be settling down for their annual festive viewing of Home Alone this Christmas.
Now they have an extra early present in the form of Macaulay Culkin reprising the role of Kevin McCallister.
The catch? It's not a feature-length sequel but an advert plugging a gargantuan internet search company. (Yes, Google.)
But fans have relished seeing an adult Kevin recreate some of the 1990 film's most famous scenes.
Perhaps inevitably, he now fights off the intruders with the help of the aforementioned search giant.

Culkin was 10 when Home Alone was released, and it's become a film that people who grew up in that era love to revisit at Christmas.
The actor is now 38 and is still best-known for starring in the Home Alone movies, and as the child star of films like My Girl, Uncle Buck and Richie Rich.
He also hosts a podcast and runs a website, both under the title Bunny Ears.
In 2015, he made a spoof five-minute sequel that showed Kevin as an adult damaged by his childhood traumas.
Asked last January in a Reddit AMA whether he would ever do a Home Alone remake, he replied: "Only if it was set in the woods, a la Rambo."
In July, Ryan Reynolds was reported to be working on an R-rated remake titled Stoned Alone, about a 20-something stoner who misses the plane for his holiday.


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