Jussie Smollett: What The Dropped Charges Mean For His Career

Criminal charges against actor Jussie Smollett have been dropped, but the court of public opinion is still out.

This morning, Smollett’s attorneys and prosecutors announced that all  charges against Smollett have been dropped and his record expunged. The Empire actor was accused of orchestrating a hate crime against himself in Chicago and filing a false police report about it.  The decision is a stunning about-face in a very public case that saw Chicago police claim the alleged attack was in service of Smollett’s career. Among the evidence the police said they had was a copy of the check used for payment and phone records showing Smollett communicating with the assailants before and after the incident.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Mayor Rahm Emanuel slammed the dropped charges, with Rahm condemning that Smollett had been “let off scot-free.”

“If you want to say you’re innocent of the situation, you take your day in court,” said Johnson. “I would never hide behind a brokered deal in secrecy, period.” over following the allegations.

“In spite of this resolution, his reputation has been severely damaged,” said Gillott, president of Gillott Communications. “Until people believe he did not actually do this, a lot of production houses and networks will steer clear of him.”

Smollett’s character, Jamal Lyon, will not appear in the final two episodes of Empire‘s current season. Its producer, Fox, said in a statement: “Jussie Smollett has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified that all charges against him have been dismissed.” But other experts believe the scandal may actually have helped Smollett’s career.

“He’s more famous now than ever before,” said Richard Levick, CEO of LEVICK communications. Levick advised Smollett lay low before staging a comeback. “Reputational rebound is possible but you have to give it the appropriate time.”

Hollywood has a lengthy history of forgiving disgraced actors. Take Mel Gibson, who was blacklisted in 2006 after he was arrested and charged with misdemeanor drunken driving during which he was recorded making anti-Semitic remarks, but returned a decade later with Hacksaw Ridge, which earned two Oscars in 2017.

But in a #MeToo era, public opinion has been magnified by social media. It may be more difficult for Smollett to profit off his increased fame if he doesn’t win over the public.

Smollett was indicted by a grand jury earlier this month on 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct and pleaded not guilty to the charges. He denied any involvement in staging an attack.

He has forfeited a $10,000 bond, which will now go to Cook County. According to the New York Times, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office dropped the 16 counts of felony disorderly conduct after Smollett agreed to community service and to give up the $10,000 bond. Deciding prosecutor Joe Magatos told the Times that dropping the charges “didn’t exonerate him.”
“Generally when charges are dismissed, the clerk will return the money to the person who posted the bond minus a percentage of an administrative handling fee,” said Phillip Turner, a former federal prosecutor and current defense lawyer in Chicago. “When the general public hears that [the bond has been forfeited], I suspect the perception will be that it’s business as usual — you pay and you play,” continued Turner, referencing the long-running history of corruption in Chicago.

For Smollett, how Fox treats him will be key in determining his future. It is not yet known what his role will be on Empire going forward.


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