Google To Shut Down Inbox By Gmail On April 2

Google according to reports, had announced its plans to shut down Inbox by Gmail on April 2, 2019.

The company has been contemplating shutting down the popular mobile email app since last year but no specific date until now.
In case you’re still using Inbox by Gmail, it’s likely that you’ve come across a notification within the app, informing you that the app will be ‘going away’ in 13 days.

Inbox by Gmail will be shutting down the same day as Google+, the company’s failed social platform. Along with the in-app notice, Google is offering a shortcut that opens the Gmail app for Inbox by Gmail users. Depending on when the in-app notice was seen, Google listed 15, 14, or 13 days to the shutdown – but all these points to the same date – April 2.

Over the past few months, Google has been bringing some of the Inbox by Gmail features to the regular Gmail app. But users are likely to still miss a lot of useful features they fell in love with. Unfortunately, core services of the app will stop working on April 2, so sticking onto the last version in hopes of continuing to use it in the future won’t work.

Google had launched the Inbox by Gmail app back in 2014. The app was meant to increase productivity, especially for those who have to deal with a lot of emails on a daily basis. It allowed users to automatically generate replies, create bundles, and more.

With less than two weeks to go, Google seems to be making it harder for users to find and download Inbox by Gmail for obvious reasons. In case you were looking to try it out for one last time before it dies, you’ll have a hard time locating it on the Play Store.

So far, Gmail has received a bunch of Inbox by Gmail features including Smart Reply, Nudges, inline attachments, and more. However, not all features may arrive on the default Gmail app


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