Exclusive Interview With Skul-Feez a Nigerian-Igbo Rapper As He Talked About How He Rose To Stardom And About Featuring ZORO Akpa-Swag Right After His Album Lauch Follow School Feez all the way to the top

Yesterday we met with Skul Feez, One of the fastest rising Igbo rappers in the south east. Even though he was in a hurry, he made out time to speak with one of our presenters. Where he revealed how he came about the name Skul feez, his challenges and the launching of his Album on 3rd March....

Otown Presenter: We've known you as Skulfees all these while, can we know your real name?
Skul feez: Uuhhm.. actually my name is Ezeh Emmanuel Chukwuebuka.

Otown Presenter: Wow! So when did the journey into music start?
Skul feez: I actually started musicc officially in the year 2013, when i was still into acting.
Otown Presenter: Really? Some of your fans said they've watched movies you featured in.. how come about music and acting?
Skul feez: Well, i started acting first, from 2010. But i found out i also loved music you know. .. i really thank God because after everything i found out that music was indeed my call, yeah.
Otown Presenter: So this name Skul feez, it sounds funny like a comedian. How did you come about it?
Skul feez: The name was given to me by my role model in Nollywood, Victor Osuagwu when we acted a movie somewhere at Amesi in Anambra state. It's actually a long story so i think this is all i have to say about that for now.
Otown Presenter: Who are your role models in music industry?
Skul feez: Hahaha, that's my boss Bosalin onye utali. He actually inspired me into music.
Otown Presenter: Most upcoming artistes face a lot of challenges especially from their families, how did you cope with yours if atall they didn't believe you then?
Skul feez: Everybody has hios own story to tell, as for me, yeah i faced a lot. I even thought of quitting but i never did because music is what makes me happy. But now they are believing in me because of what they've seen me achieve.
Otown Presenter: Which of your songs brought you to the limelight? Because some say Dope Niggas or said Try Nekede.
Skul feez:  I had Dope \Niggas before i did Try Nekede, Although Try Nekede did it's best but i was able to get to where i am with Dope Niggas.Otown Presenter: Which Artiste would you like to feature in the near future?
Skulfeez: Zoro and am working towards that now. That's actually gonna be my next project after my album launch.
Otown Presenter: Wow, it's a pleasure having you today. So what do you say to other upcoming acts in the industry.


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