8 Ways to Get More Out of Your Weekend Workouts

For most, the weekend means a lighter schedule to do what you want when you want. With no meetings to run off to or deadlines to meet, you have more time to devote to your sweat sessions, so here are some ways to get more out of your weekend workouts. Go long: Without having to squeeze in your workout before, during, or after your nine-to-fiver, you have more time to devote to exercising, so use your weekend to do longer workouts. If you normally run or swim for 30 minutes, go for 45 or even 60. Or sign up for a two-hour hip-hop dance workshop. Fill in holes: With limited availability during the week, you might only have time to do cardio and that's it. So use your time on the weekend to devote to areas of your workout that you miss like strength training or stretching. Break away from routine: During the week, you stick to the workouts you're used to, ones that take the least amount of prep, and the ones you know are effective. That can get super boring though, so use ...