Here are the Few tips for a better sleep

  • Keep your bedroom dark, cool and well-ventilated, ideally between 68 and 69 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Stay cool by wearing loose clothing to bed. Moisture-wicking sheets and clothing can help with cooling down following hot flashes
  • Exercise regularly but preferably in the early to late afternoon
  • Avoid food and heavy meals right before bedtime. This can help to avoid digestion difficulties that can interfere with sleep at night
  • If you feel hungry, have some nuts, bananas and yogurt -- high in tryptophan
  • Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep
  • Depending on how your body absorbs caffeine, it can be helpful to avoid caffeine in the late-afternoon/evening
  • Avoid naps during the day, which can prevent you from sleeping well at night
  • Limit bedroom noises as much as possible or use a "white noise" device such as a sound machine
  • Limit outdoor light through the use of blackout curtains and avoid the use of electronic devices in the bedroom
  • Relaxation, deep breathing or other ways of coping with stress such as keeping a "worry log" can help to decrease feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Going to bed at a similar time each night allows the body to anticipate and prepare for bedtime
    "As a result, you will feel sleepier at bedtime and fall asleep quicker," Dautovich said. "Similarly, engaging in a bedtime routine will help your body, and mind, to relax and transition into sleep. Avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime and engage in calming, relaxing rituals."


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