Aleppo evacuation: Orphans among thousands to leave Syria city

Thousands of people, including dozens of orphans, have left Aleppo in one of the besieged Syrian city's biggest evacuations yet.
More than 4,500 civilians have left rebel-held parts of eastern Aleppo so far on Monday.
Among them is seven-year-old Bana Alabed, who had tweeted about conditions in the city.
A linked evacuation of government-held parts of Idlib province being besieged by rebels started early on Monday.
While civilians are being moved to safety, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution which requested "UN and other relevant institutions to carry out adequate, neutral monitoring" of the mass evacuations from Aleppo.
The unanimous vote happened after the 15-member council had managed to overcome disagreements between Western nations and Russia on the issue.
The US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, described the resolution as an "important step", but stressed that "until it's implemented it's a piece of paper".
Syria's envoy Bashar Jaafari spoke out against council members who he said had hidden agendas and intended "to legitimise foreign interference, the changing of legitimate governments by force, or even using military force".
For monitors to be deployed in Aleppo, they need permission from the Syrian government.


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